What Does a Community Association Management Company Do?

What Does a Community Association Management Company Do?

Of all the HOAs, 60% to 70% are managed by community association management companies. Generally speaking, this is because HOA boards don't have the time or staff necessary to manage their HOAs on their own.

What you might be wondering, however, is what a community association management company does. We're going to discuss some of the top services provided by a community management company, helping you understand what such a company can do for your community and HOA board. Read on to learn more about community association managers and their duties.

Sets Up HOA Rules

Any good HOA has a set of rules for its community members to abide by. The key is in choosing the right rules. If you're too strict in your rules, you'll cause discontent amongst your community; if you're too lax in your rules, the quality of your community will go downhill.

Community association management companies are well-versed in devising rules for HOAs. They understand which rules work and don't work, and so are able to draw up HOA rule books that are optimally beneficial.

In addition to setting up these rules, they're also capable of enforcing them. They'll hold everyone in your community accountable, thus helping to maintain your community's value.

Facilitates Maintenance

Part of running an HOA is tending to maintenance in the common areas of the community. This includes everything from cleaning fences to fixing cracked sidewalks to trimming the grass and much more.

Managing all of this on your own can be time-consuming, not to mention burdensome. When you put it in the hands of a community association management company, however, you don't even have to think about it. The management company will carry out and manage all maintenance for you.

Completes Administrative Work

Community management companies also complete administrative work. This includes communicating with community members, doing accounting, ensuring the community meets compliance, and much more.

There is a great deal of paperwork that communication associations must complete. Filling out paperwork is one of the most strenuous HOA duties. If you want to save time and effort, hire an HOA management company to do it for you.

Manages Vendors

The last thing that community association managers do is manage vendors. They not only find appropriate vendors but pay them and even work through conflicts with them.

This takes a great deal of stress off the HOA board's shoulders. While the board gives the final okay on which vendors will be selected, the association management company does all the hard work of finding said vendors.

Looking for a Community Association Management Company in Miami?

As you can see, community association management companies have a great deal to offer. Not only do they help establish the structure of an HOA, but they also enforce rules, engage in HOA bookkeeping, and much more. If you're looking for assistance in making your HOA thrive, call up an HOA management company.

Looking for a community association management company in Miami? Look no further than PMI Property Management Company.

Contact us now to discuss your association management needs!
